What age are balance bikes for?
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What age are balance bikes for?

Introducing a child to the to of cycling/biking is a important milestone that most parents eagerly anticipate and balance bikes have emerged as a popular choice for children as young as 1 year old. These bikes are designed without pedals and focus on developing balance and coordination. They offer numerous developmental benefits and lay a solid foundation for future cycling skills.

What is a balance bike?

Balance bikes, sometimes referred to as run bikes, push bikes or toddler bikes, are known for their simple design: a frame, handlebars, and wheels, without pedals or chains. This simple design makes them approachable and less scary for young children compared to traditional bicycles. The concept behind balance bikes is basic but effective: children move forward by pushing off the ground with their feet, learning to balance naturally as they move along.

Unicorn Balance bike

Benefits of Introducing Balance Bikes Early

Development of Balance and Coordination

One of the main advantages of balance bikes is their ability to help children develop balance and coordination from a very young age. Toddlers as young as 12 months old, who are typically starting to walk confidently, can really benefit from using a balance bike. By allowing them to practice balancing on two wheels early on, these bikes help with a smoother transition to pedal bikes later on.

Confidence Building

Learning to ride a pedal bike can be a frightening thing for children, but balance bikes can make the process more gradual and less intimidating. Children might start by walking alongside the bike, then move on to sitting on the seat and using their feet to move along. This approach builds confidence steadily, without the fear and frustration sometimes associated with learning to ride a pedal bike as their first bike.

Early Independence and Mobility

Balance bikes help give young children the confidence to explore their surroundings independently. They can be used in parks, pavements, and even inside the house with ease, and give a sense of freedom and mobility from an early age. This independence is exciting for children and also encourages outdoor play and physical activity

Physical Fitness and Motor Skills

Physical activity from a young age is essential for a child's development. Balance bikes encourage children to use their leg muscles and core strength as they push and glide along. This activity helps gross motor skills and enhances overall physical fitness.

Seamless Transition to Pedal Bikes

One of the main advantages of starting with a balance bike is they make the transition to pedal bikes a lot smoother. By mastering balance and steering on a balance bike, children already have the basic skills needed for riding a traditional bike. The transition is usually quicker and less stressful, as children are already familiar with the basic method of biking.

Choosing the Right Balance Bike

When choosing a balance bike for your child, there are several factors to consider to make sure it suits their age and developmental stage:

Size and Fit:

The bike should allow your child to comfortably sit on the seat with their feet flat on the ground with a slight bend in their knees. This position ensures they can push off and glide.


Choose a bike that is adjustable to allow for a child's growth spurts. Adjustable seat heights and handlebars extend the lifespan of the bike, allowing your child to continue using it as they grow and saving you money in the long run

Weight and Portability:

Balance bikes should be light enough for young children to move them easily. This makes them more manageable for kids to control and for parents to inevitably carry at some point!

Safety Features:

Go for bikes with safety features such as hand brakes (quite rare on balance bikes), handlebar padding, and rounded edges to reduce the risk of injury to your little one


Choose a bike made from sturdy materials like metal or high-quality plastic or wood. This will extend the lifespan of the bike

Recommended Models for Different Ages

Ages 1-2: For toddlers just starting to walk, consider balance bikes designed for young toddlers. These bikes give stability and ease of use indoors and outdoors.

Ages 2-3: As children grow more comfortable with walking and balancing, three-wheel balance bikes can provide more stability. These bikes help toddlers move smoothly from crawling to cruising along!

Ages 3-4: By age 3, children are usually ready for more traditional two wheel balance bikes. These bikes usually feature adjustable frames and components that grow with your child, extending the lifespan of the bike.

2 wheel balance bike

Ages 4-5: Older preschoolers are usually ready for more advanced balancing and steering skills. They can benefit from balance bikes with enhanced features like ergonomic seats and adjustable handlebars. These bikes prepare children for the move to pedal bikes.

How to Introduce and Encourage Riding

Introducing a balance bike to your child isn't just handing over the bike. Here are some tips to make sure they click with it and actually want to ride!

Set up the bike properly: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to assemble and adjust the bike according to your little one's height and size.

Safety first: Prioritise safety by making sure your child wears a properly fitted helmet and supervising them at all times when they are riding.

Let them explore: Allow your child to become familiar with the bike in their own time. Encourage them to experiment with pushing off and gliding and offer praise and encouragement.

Practice: Kids get tired! Short, frequent sessions are more effective than long, infrequent ones.

Monitor progress: Celebrate milestones and monitor your child's progress as they become better at balancing and steering the bike.

Balance bikes aren't just toys, they are valuable tools that help with children's physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Whether indoors or outdoors, balance bikes provide children with the opportunity to explore their surroundings independently whilst developing essential motor skills.

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